prop·a·gate (pr?p’?-g?t’)
v. prop·a·gat·ed, prop·a·gat·ing, prop·a·gates v. tr.
To cause (an organism) to multiply or breed.
To breed (offspring).
To transmit (characteristics) from one generation to another.
To cause to extend to a broader area or larger number; spread: missionaries who propagate the faith.
To make widely known; publicize: propagate a rumor.
Physics To cause (a wave, for example) to move in some direction or through a medium; transmit.
Apparently, that is what my current Web site is doing…but in computer terms. I am in the process of switching servers and launching a new site, but it’s not finished yet. This means that one one computer somewhere, you can already see my new site, but the LIFESTYLE site isn’t working. For others, you will only see my current/old site and the wedding site doesn’t even exist in your world yet.
So hang in there. Bear with me for the next week or so as the servers “propagate”…
I’ll announce when the transition is complete.
I’m going to try not to ever post without a picture.
So here is one of my own ring…inspired by the way that Neil proposed…..
Until then… xoxo.