My camera always welcomes familiarity when it comes to much-loved past clients/friends. It has been two years since Abby & Justin’s engagement session in Columbia, Mo., and one year since their beautiful Kansas City wedding. And to mark their first anniversary as married, the couple wanted to bring me up to their neck of the woods to finish out the trinity of locations….where their currently live… in St. Joseph.
And this time, it wasn’t just the two of them. Their family has grown quite a bit over the years… 😉
Meet Marley on the left and Princess Belle on the right…
And then the two handfuls of joviality… Lilly and Frank. Lilly is quite the lady…well-behaved and earnest with her need to be loved. Frank is a bit more on the playful and spastic side. Never a dull moment with his puppy-dog eyes around.
Then we went off with just the lovebirds…and let me tell you, I was overwhelmed with two things… the loveliness of the byways in St. Joseph…and the romance that just naturally bubbles up when these two are around.

Warm chills…if that is possible…
And they listen so well to my directions!!! I accidentally said “chin to chin” rather than “cheek to cheek”…. hahahahahah I heart you goofballs!!
And then all the people sighed….
Abs & Jugo…thank you once again for calling upon my services to document the stepping stones of your life! I can’t wait to be there to do the next phase…. wink wink…. xo