Who can forget the lil’ man of big expressions, Brogan? Can anyone believe that as of two days ago, he is now a ONE YEAR OLD. I took his 1-year pics two weeks ago back in Gretna, Neb., which is right outside of Omaha. And Brogan was top-notch in terms of cuteness. See for yourself. Really…go on… look and I triple dog dare you not to at least THINK, “awwwwww!!!” once. Or ten times.

I asked who his favorite photographer was… 😉
And get ready for this series. He’s in his halloween costume…eeeek! And dont’ be fooled…he only didn’t like it at first. 😉
And I think this next one came after I made some hilarious joke about how I hope he never forgets me (since elephants don’t forget ANYTHING)… or…not. 😉

Brandy & Luke…and BROGAN!!!… Thanks for bringing all the warm fuzzies with you. I giggled while I was with you…and then again later when I was editing your pictures. Giggles are always welcome. So THANK YOU!!!