My sister’s good friends came down last week for a session to document their song Brogan at this adorable, mischievous stage in life. And it was Luke’s birthday to boot! I bet that is what every dad wants to do to celebrate another year—ham it up in front of the camera when the spotlight is on his own son. 😉
We went to Antioch Park in Merriam, Kansas, and boy did we have a good time exploring. The weather was beautiful…Brogan was in a good mood and cute as ever… and Brandy & Luke weren’t crabby either! 😉
He might look familiar…. his photo shoots are never dull. I am LOVING watching Brogan grow up. He’s already been reserved for my niece Cailin, should she decide to pursue his love interests at a later date. So ladies, back off! 😉
And apparently, he’s not afraid of me yet. 😉
They brought along the chair that beckons a camera lens nowadays, but a symbol of being in trouble when Luke was younger. If Luke, the lil’ clown I know he was (haha), acted up when he was at dinner, his punishment was to sit in the dreaded red chair!!!! Which is so funny because Brogan felt honored to be sitting in it… Or walking around it. Or ignoring it all together in favor of the gazillion dogwood petals on the ground (he liked to put the petals on his head).

And if this next photo doesn’t fill you with glee…then you might want to have your glee-meter checked. I think this face is a result of grandma or grandpa dancing around behind me. I know, shocking! 😉
Now there’s a dashing young man!
It was a bit hazy at sundown…but it provided a warm, dewy look for a family stroll… 😉
This is the face that Brandy & Luke refer to as the evil-Brogan face. I think he’s soooo cute! (But yes, looks a tad bit wicked…haha) Cute enough to close with though, that’s for sure!
Brandy & Luke, I hope you had a great getaway in KC….and that Luke was able to celebrate his birthday and unwind after a grueling photo session. Thank you so much for coming to my neck of the woods!!! Kisses and hugs!!