So you know how lately the outlook seems so dismal?
Gas prices only know one direction–up.
The war(s) are never-ending, and the religions at the core of the violence are seemingly becoming more like the work of the Devil.
We’re facing a possible recession and feeling even the paranoia of an oncoming depression.
There still is no cure for cancer, and if there were one, victims might not be able to afford it anyway.
The world is too overpopulated and let’s face it, the environment is doomed as is.
Oh, yeah…and a new Grey’s Anatomy won’t be on until the end of April.
When combined with all that ails us each individually, one can actually feel a deep-pitted sadness. And helplessness. I’m kind of tired of it.
I’m not writing this to press my views on you or to sway any votes in the upcoming election. I just want to share something I read only moments ago, that truly ignited a new hope in me.
Something even I…who in the middle of one of the best years of my life…have needed to hear. Reason to hope.
“Hope, shmope,” some people say.
Regardless whom you support…whether it be Hillary, Obama, McCain or none of the above…I think hope is something all parties, all faiths and all creeds can use a little more of in this day and age.
Take just few minutes out of your time to read Obama’s latest speech. Even if you don’t want to cast your vote for his kind of change… I dare you to get something out of his words. That’s why speeches ARE important….because without inspiration or motivation…or hope for that matter….why would anyone do anything?
You don’t have to be a Democrat to feel the hope. You just have to be an American.
Photography by Lara - Great post, Darbs. You don’t mind if I call you that, do you? 🙂