My husband came home from work one day last summer and divulged that Mike, a guy he worked with, announced they were pregnant and expecting the same week we were. I never got to meet his wife while she was pregnant, but I did get to see Mike a few times. I thought it was kind of cool that Neil and Mike were going through the same thing at pretty much the same time.
Then January 9, Neil called me. I could tell from his tone that he sounded anxious. Mike had gotten “the call” at work. Katie was in labor!!!
I hung up and cried. For a few reasons… a) I was so nervous for them. Even having not met Katie, I felt a small kinship since we both would be birthing boys in the same month. b) Neil’s own feelings were audible and it made it more real. c) I was so happy that their journey was coming to an end, but starting a new leg at the same time. d) I was jealous. I was so miserable by that time, that hearing Katie and Mike were going to be done with all that…I wanted in on it! haha
Neil came home one day shortly after they had Caleb and told me that he hopes we have a cute kid because everyone is fawning all over the pics that Mike brought to work of Caleb. Such pressure for a dad, eh? haha.
I was ecstatic when they decided to book with me for Caleb’s photos at 4 months. And I fell victim to Caleb’s darlingness too. As you will once you see these pics. Enjoy!!!
And can’t wait for a playdate with Weston & Caleb!!! 🙂 Take care, M family!