If there is such a thing.I have come into contact with a great photographer through Flickr. Her name is Stacy Reeves, and she’s in Texas. Her most recent post on her blog was really moving–in pictures and in words.Check it out:CLICK HERE FOR A GREAT POST
Category Archives: Personal
Other than being horribly sick the past two days, I have some good news. Thanks to the help of my friend, Cara Morris, I am finally ready to announce that my new site is ready!! To enable the Web site viewer to more fully “feel” what I have to offer, I have separated out my […]
prop·a·gate (pr?p’?-g?t’) v. prop·a·gat·ed, prop·a·gat·ing, prop·a·gates v. tr.To cause (an organism) to multiply or breed.To breed (offspring).To transmit (characteristics) from one generation to another.To cause to extend to a broader area or larger number; spread: missionaries who propagate the faith.To make widely known; publicize: propagate a rumor.Physics To cause (a wave, for example) to move […]
Here are some of my fave pics from our 2nd annual XMAS party this past weekend. It was a bit fun, might I say. We started with food.And then it got fun…thanks to a ghetto photo booth. 🙂 This might be one of the few pics of myself I ever put up. This was taken […]
I went to Neil’s hometown this past weekend. One of his friends was getting married. His mom and dad took us out for a drive so I could snap some of the beauty that fall is known for in Latrobe. Here is a sprinkling of what we saw…. starting with one of their cats, Bonnie. […]