Kansas City wedding photographer | boudoir photographer | family & newborn photographer » Darbi G. Hebrank is Kansas City portrait, boudoir and wedding photographer located in the Kansas City area ( including Lee

A vet in need of her own shots… headshots that is…

Desola, ( should I say Dr. Odunayo??), contacted me awhile back to take some headshots of her that will be used in an ad for the American Veterinary Medical Association. Desola is from Nigeria, but has lived in the U.S. for a bit more than a decade. She is carrying out her residency here at MU.

The night we met, it was one of the most humid evenings this summer. But she was a trooper…and so was I.

I kept telling her that she reminded me of a Banana Republic model with her gorgeous facial structure and light-up-her-eyes smile. See for yourself.
(and please disregard the difference in my watermark; since I’ve switched to a Mac, I haven’t gotten my Photoshop license transferred yet…)


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My favorite…!
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Desola—I wish you a WEALTH (wink, wink) of luck and fun and many more smiles in your personal and profession endeavors. Happy summer!

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  • Anonymous - Casual and simple. Very nice Darbi.

    -Steph and BradReplyCancel

  • Language of Dreams - Love it!! My sister is a beautyReplyCancel

  • Photography by Lara - Look at those looooooong limbs! Gorgeous!ReplyCancel