Kansas City wedding photographer | boudoir photographer | family & newborn photographer » Darbi G. Hebrank is Kansas City portrait, boudoir and wedding photographer located in the Kansas City area ( including Lee

Kansas City family photography: Making grunge look good…

Not every family can pull off a photo shoot among dilapidated buildings, brightly graffiti-ed walls or garbage-strewn alleys, but this family can. And did.

Meet Mollie, Chris and their sons: precocious, model-to-be Parker (nearly 7)  and Finnian…who is almost 2, darling, stubborn and obsessed with buses and a little girl at daycare named Nora.

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I asked Parker if he liked getting his photo taken. He said, “No”. But…I think he lied.
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Finn was quite the opposite. Always on the move…wanting to do only things that were HIS idea. 😉 But we did what we could with that.

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And every bus that went by, this is what happened:

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Parker was a dear and entertained Finn for a bit while I stole the parents away for some quick shots of just the two of them. Gawwww-gess. 😉

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We wrapped a slinky around them both in hopes that Finn would stay sitting next to his brother for a second. But it didn’t last long.
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This next pic is a telling image of a cute mom trying to appease her kids…
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But they have a mind of their own…
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Check out the power of the pout with this pic. Like father, like son.
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and I’ll end with this…one of my faves, for sure. I wish I had a pic of my mom and me like this. Mollie, you’re beautiful.
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Thank you, H fam, for being my first family to take into the urban innards of Kansas City!!! You rocked the session and I do hope that we can get together again for some mayhem. 😉

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  • Anonymous - beautiful, creative, crazy, all the usuals, darbi!! love the pics…KC is a crazy town, you really captured it all!
    kathy 🙂
    ps – love those kids!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Ginger - I love the animation so much! All of the pics are great.ReplyCancel

  • johnna brynn - great job, darbi! i love mom with monkey stuffed animal. and the animated shots, great job!!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • ashley turner - Love love love this shoot Darbi! Fabulous =)ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - Wow, what great pics! I love this family too!ReplyCancel




  • capatosta - Love these pics! Wish we lived in KC. These are fab, Mollie and Darbi.ReplyCancel

  • Darbi's Mom - Oh my gosh – what an adorable family. Even the pouting ones are so cute. And the places you took these – wow, beautiful. Love them all. Darbi – super job as usual! (on another note -don't make me cry – I wish I would have had a super photographer around when you were little to catch such pictures.)ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - My favorite is the last one too. I love her hair blowing and how happy she looks to be a Mommy!ReplyCancel

  • Dani Crosby - Love!! You're so inspirational!!! Teach me!! LOLReplyCancel

  • Ashley - Wow. SO PRECIOUS!!!!! You are seriously awesome!ReplyCancel

  • Timothy - i like this set. that girl is PRETTY. amazing eyes.ReplyCancel

  • Clary - What an awesome family session BUT I love just the mom and dad shots!!ReplyCancel

  • Darbi G. Photography - Thanks, all. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Rebecca Allen - My favorite is the last in the set. The motion and emotion between mother and son, wonderfully captured. A very storytelling image.ReplyCancel