Kansas City wedding photographer | boudoir photographer | family & newborn photographer » Darbi G. Hebrank is Kansas City portrait, boudoir and wedding photographer located in the Kansas City area ( including Lee

Kansas City boudoir with a holiday flare

Alright, here is the 2nd half of the double boudoir session I shot a few weeks ago. (some internet browsers do not hide the post, as intended, so be sure to update…or consider this a warning that PG-13 images follow.

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these next two, though faceless, are two of my faves.
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The one on the right is another fave. I just love the lighting…
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If you and a friend are interested in a double boudoir, contact me soon as my b-session slots are nearly full for the next 6 months. But if you’re up to traveling to St. Louis, stay tuned as a pal and I are planning on having a Bare-a-Thon special where hair/makeup/location are all provided for your mini session. It’ll be in July…details TBD. And spots will be limited to 7 or 8 total. If you want a direct message when this deal “hits the shelves”, email me and I’ll send out the info when it’s available.

Happy week!

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  • Photography by Lara - Total hottie!ReplyCancel

  • mxq - this session makes me so happy! i'm supposed to shoot a holiday b-session friday and you have given me SO much inspiration. your b-sessions have really rocked!


  • Darbi G. Photography - Pamela–I get stuck too with poses! So let me know if you want links to some full galleries. 🙂

    Happy shooting!ReplyCancel

  • Amanda Heenan - whoa! so awesome!ReplyCancel

  • Clary - Really beautiful…love those candy stripe panties!ReplyCancel