Sometimes brides and grooms come along with whom I immediately connect. And I can only hope the feeling is mutual. So was the case with Lindsey & Aaron. They live in New York City, but as the odd world would have it, Lindsey and I graduated with the same degree, 6 months apart from one another, from Mizzou in Columbia, Missouri … and we never crossed paths! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? But apparently, fate works closely with Google; they found me when the timing was right…while they were searching for a wedding photographer!
Along the way, LIndsey & I have communicated LOTS. Sometimes several times a day. Sometimes just once a week. But I’ve come to adore her and am so blessed that she and Aaron fell into my life. She will say that I’ve played the role as a therapist for her when she was combating the inevitable “WHY DON’T WE JUST ELOPE”-itis. But even cooler, she took on a new role for me as well…that of my editor! That’s right, because of Lindsey, I got to accomplish a original goal of mine when I wrote an article for…where she is an editor! How cool is that?
In trying to learn more about her and Aaron, I asked her to tell me why she loves Aaron. And instead of emailing me back the answers, she wrote a post on’s wedding site that gave me, and all her readers, 10 reasons why her groom-to-be makes her happy. And I must admit, I teared up like the sap I am…and my heart swooned for the heckuva catch that Aaron clearly is.
And as I told her several times when she was stressing out with the ups and downs of planning a wedding from more than 1,000 miles away, that if she brought her personality and her love to their summer wedding, I would provide the proof that their day was every bit as wonderful as they are.
So ladies and gentlemen…I present to you, my proof that Aaron and Lindsey are AMAZEBALLS (a word that she taught me), and surrounded by fabulous friends and family who went above and beyond to make me, as well as my second shooter who is adorbs (another word Lindsey taught me), Lara Hanlon, feel welcome.
It all began with a very nonchalant first glance. 😉
and from there, we were grooving!!! Please direct your attention to the gown that she got from the famous Kleinfield’s in NYC (and actual Kleinfield Kollection) and the refreshingly bright designer shoes (Manolo Blahnik).
Not long after she donned my most favorite wedding dress I’ve ever shot (read how special it is here), she was fulfilling a bet she had with her trainer that she would do push-ups in her dress. Let me tell you…Lindsey is good on her word. And her biceps are even better!! WOOT!
Her “something borrowed” has been around a few…. 😉 [Lindsey, don’t forget to write YOUR note to leave behind!!)
And who would NOT agree that she is glamourous beyond belief.
But pretty though she may have been, she was hankering for a boost beyond the normal wedding-day high. Or maybe she just has an addiction. One that her dad so kindly catered to.
Lara covered the men…who opened awesome personalized coolers from such a thoughtful groom!
Aaron watched as his minions took care of a few wrinkles.
Lindsey…can your 11th reason he makes you happy be that he’s DARN CUTE?!
And their REAL….UNnonchalant (no, that’s not a word, and I don’t need any Glamour editors to tell me that. haha) first glance took place on the steps of Jesse Auditorium.
Again, I repeat. FAVORITE. WEDDING. DRESS. EVER. And I guess I’m saying that in terms of…there are many pretty dresses. but this is the only one I wish I’d have worn myself on my wedding day. haha Although, Lindsey ROCKED it…. not sure I could have done the same quite like her. 😉

FAVORITE! And I didn’t realize till later, but…the floor print… are similar to the Star of David…and this was my first JEWISH wedding! HOW COOL? haha
Their gang joined them. And what a fun gang this was!!!! Lara caught this dark, yet not quite scary pic of the gents. I handled the ladies.
Lara and I had envisioned this next one happening in luscious green grass, however, due to the fact that it was so hot we thought maybe we’d all died and been really bad in our lives on Earth… we opted to stay in Jesse Hall so they didn’t get all melty goopy before the ceremony. So…we took what we could get.
Then we scooted to the pre-ceremony. Let me remind you, this was my first Jewish wedding, so I was so excited to see all the customs that were so different from what I’m used to. Before the ceremony, Lindsey & Aaron sighed the ketubah, which is the Jewish marriage contract. Their friends and family were there to witness it. I loved that the rabbi asked the witnesses to speak on behalf of the couple and say why they should get married. It was so moving!
I wasn’t the only one who was learning the traditions as I went. And because LIndsey & Aaron knew that, they made these fans/programs/Jewish Wedding 101 lessons for their guests.
The wedding canopy (shown against the backdrop of Jesse Hall), known as the chuppah, is a symbol of the home that Lindsey & Aaron will share (and as noted on the program, their loft back in NYC is only slightly larger).
A few last words before they headed down the aisle…
Lindsey & Aaron shared the wine in this cup, in semblance of the life they will share.
The most recognizable ritual in the ceremony thanks to Hollywood, most likely, is the part when the groom breaks a glass by stepping on it. There are many explanations, but the one that Lindsey & Aaron had listed on their handy-dandy program was a way to “temper life’s joyous moments with sober thoughts” because there are many ups and downs in marriage. And get this! It wasn’t a glass that Aaron stomped on, but a lightbulb!
Afterwards, we stole some more pics of the lovebirds. Or should I call them CRAZY KIDS!
And then…it was PARTYYYY TIMEEE! With darling details to boot!
At this point, I want to draw your attention to the many animated faces of Lindsey. She was so enjoyable to shoot during the toasts. And when the toasts got sentimental, I cried a long with them. I am so glad Lara was there, because I was a baby!!!
And the amazing HAVA NAGILA! So exciting!! (The band was AWESOME–KC All-Stars)
I could post way more pics from their killer reception, but now I’ve really gone too long as it is. AND…I will post a 2nd blog dedicated to the first
that made its debut, thanks to Lara’s trigger finger…at this wedding!
But here are two that I’ll close with…One of Lara (who is ALWAYS found with a piece of cake or in this case, a cupcake, nearby at weddings) and me. And one of me with my lovely Lindsey & Aaron!!
Through and through, this wedding kicked butt. Lara and I were sooo exhausted from the day filled with so much laughter, so many fun wedding party members, yummy food, adorable personal touches and new customs. We cannot thank you enough for having us along for the ride.
Other vendors of note
Wedding planning: The Elegant Touch
Venue: Reynolds Alumni Center @ MU
Post by: Kansas City wedding photographer Darbi G. Photography